Growing old disgracefully



I don't like going to the shops at Christmas - in my experience they are overheated, overrated, musak polluted, rarely have the thing you actually want but always have shelves full of naff, useless items. I mean, who needs or even wants a submersible ball that you can stick your ipod in when you take a bath? So we do most of our Christmas shopping on the internet. 'You want a purple party dress with sparkles for a seven year old, Madam? No problem? We will find it in 30 seconds and deliver it in 2 days.' However, we did have a brief foray this morning, othewise I would never have known how much I want an ipod submersible for my non existant ipod.

This afternoon I wrapped, but we decided one small part of the VIP's LEGO should go fully assembled in the Christmas stocking (so glad he can't read yet). It was tough work, but someone had to do it. The LEGO brick we know and love today was invented in 1958, and might just have made it to my toy box had we had any money or lived anywhere near a toy shop. It was the only thing missing from an otherwise wild and wonderful childhood. I'm making up for lost time.

Meanwhile the office tidy goes on. I keep finding things I had given up on years ago. Oh, and I had a few enquiries from prospective students and a contract confirmed. Not a bad day.

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