Choir Singing at Silverburn

Jessica and I went to see the Eaglesham Primary School Choir singing at Silverburn today.

Jessica then had her nursery Christmas Party, where Santa was making an appearance. I took her back and then she didn't want to stay....with no time to spare we left, only for her to ask to go back in AAAAArrrrgggg!

I then collected the "dancing gear" for the girls and also Snuffles from our house and headed down to Granny and Papa's. They were in Falkirk watching Amie today but I have a spare key for theirs. Snuffles sat on my knee the whole way down, she wouldn't sit in the passenger seat!!! Then it was off to school to collect Megan, Johnny and Katie. We quickly had some pasta before dropping Katie at dancing first. We collected Jessica and returned to the dancing halls to watch a small 15 minute show for Katie. Then it was Jessica's turn for her 15 mins of fame........and boy did she love it!!!

Phewwwwww.....I ran out of breath repeating that there!!!

I took lots of groups shots of the choir singing and I will post them on FB later. Megan was trying her best to hide from me but I sneaked this shot on my way out while she wasn't looking!!!

Anyway we are all home now and it's Thursday tomorrow and we have Molly and Duncan for tea!!!

How many sleeps to go???


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