The Next Generation....

....of footballers, maybe?????

This shot was taken this afternoon. Johnny was all ready to go to his try out at Busby Boys football team training tonight. He was very excited.

Before Daddy and Johnny could go to the football training we had to collect Daddy's van from Park's at Nerston!!!! Never again will we buy from this garage and never again will we have Renault.....back to the good old Volkswagon brand me thinks......Big Johnny loved his wee Caddy van.

Anyway, after collecting the van Daddy and Johnny headed off to MCHS for his first training practice.......they got there only to discover that it had been cancelled!! Never mind, we will try again on Saturday.

As Daddy has been at home working again today we managed to squeeze in a bit of "clearing the decks" before the big day on the 25th! I also managed to pull everything out and sort it into each bundle for each of my precious bundles all ready for wrapping over the next few days. Only got a couple of things to get now.

Megan has been a little poorly (probably due to tiredness more than anything after the panto) but she has needed to struggle on as the choir is singing at Silverburn tomorrow and she couldn't miss it, could she?? Jessica and I will scoot down there at 1ish to see if we can find them.


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