House Party / Dinner Party


MightyMouse went to a house-party with a dozen friends from school. Another mother took him and I had to collect him & his friend. Could I find this house? Nope. Huge maybe but so remote. No house number, just a name. It took me an hour to find it and that only happened because I asked for help from a passing AA Rescue Driver. Even once I’d found it, the gate was padlocked, and the gate intercom didn’t work so I had to sit in my car, sticking out into the road whilst I waited to be let in.

A little stressed I admit.

Then this evening, Dot.T had an 18th birthday dinner party and invited a dozen girlfriends. It was an evening of loud chatter and constant laughing and it sounded like it all went really well. But I got the preparation all wrong. I so ran out of time. I over-chopped & over-cooked and was dashing around the kitchen frantically even as the doorbell rang.

A little stressed I admit.


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