The second half of life..

By twigs

Blue Pools

Or, as they were today, murky browny-greeny pools!

Last time I was down this way I took a bunch of images that I was pretty excited about, not least of all becuase I had had to work to get them (sandfly-swatting, tourist-dodging, patient-waiting) but somehow, between taking them and getting home, I 'lost' them.  I've been keen to get back here and have another go at some similar images.  After all the rain we've had though, today was most certainly not the day.  The Blue Pools were anything but blue and could, apparently, take quite some time to return to their more azure state. Damn!  I guess I'll just have to come back again!!

Lovely trip through to Wanaka where the sky became clearer and bluer.  Yay!  Sunshine - I've missed you!  I decided to stay at the in-town campsite where I enjoyed the relative luxury of doing some washing having a proper shower and washing my hair.  Luxury!

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