The second half of life..

By twigs

Haast torrents

The forecast had indicated that skies would be clearing by yesterday afternoon and whilst we were graced by a few rays of sunshine, the skies remain largely grey and moist this morning.  I set off relatively early (by my standards, which are not the same as the rest of the human race's standards!) and found myself admiring the misty cloudscapes along the way.  Stopped at several waterfalls and boy, they were all pumping the volume through!  By now, it was raining again so, not wanting to a) get too wet, b) get eaten by sandflies or c) get caught up in a trail of other soggy tourists, I was happy to bide my time in the van reading until the time was 'right' to pop out and have a wander.  Things I found out: sandflies don't really like the wet, lots of tea can be consumed whilst waiting, paying tourists will brave even the foulest of weather to get a shot that says "I was there".

Staying just along the road at Cameron Flat this evening.  This is the first time I've actually stayed here although have stopped here numerous other times, mostly when there has been beautiful blue skies!  Maybe tomorrow.........

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