
By Beewriter

I saw an angel today

The musicians and choir went to Church today to have a run through before the Carol Service tomorrow afternoon. I was asked to go along too so I grabbed my camera out of the car, sadly I forgot to take my tripod. I managed to get a few reasonable shots thankfully. I can't take pics during the service tomorrow so I will put them on the website tomorrow and let people wonder...'How did she do that?' ha ha ha

Thinking of my blip for the day I stood behind the senior choir and took a shot of the back of them with the expanse of the Church. It was a passable shot so I thought I would play about with the lights on a longer exposure. I took this shot and it looked like a winged creature.

I went to sit with some Prep 3 children who were getting a little restless:

"Did you see it?"
"See what?" said one of the boys.
"The angel."
They looked at me incredulously.
"An angel just flew into the Church.....look."
I showed them the photo I'd just taken.
They all turned and scanned the Church.
"Maybe it has brought a message for one of us." said a wide-eyed boy.

I did tell them the truth eventually and even let the little angel boy have a go himself at light drawings.

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