
By stuartjross

Not a trailer

Working on hill burn on the north west side of Loch Ness today. There was a lot of forest and scrub about. (If you work with GPS or a theodolite you don't like this type of terrain because it more difficult to work in, or at least much slower) We had a lot to cover with little option for a blip break and this is all I managed.
It looks like a farm trailer has become embedded in the river bank. This is actually the remains of an intake for a long redundant mini hydro electric plant. I don't know its vintage but I doubt these valves will turn now.

On site we enjoyed a balmy plus 2 or 3 deg c and on the drive home the mercury steadily dropped till we got to -5 turning in at the Knoll. I thought it had just dropped to that as darkness came in but M said it has been like this all day at Roy Bridge.

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