A sprinkling of gold

Yesterday was the first day of the two day meeting; last of the year. We all went out for an end of year dinner, and I blipped late last night (our time) before heading to bed early for me, allowing an early rise today. Before sunrise.

Went on my usual Wellington morning run along the waterfront and then around Oriental Bay to where the harbourside road turns sharply and becomes Evans Bay Road. The sun was by that time above the horizon. Only the horizon was hidden behind the hills . So I never saw the sunrise, directly.

I was turning to head back when I saw more of what I had been taken with on the way out to the turnaround point. The rising sun hitting windows on houses on the hills over the other side of the Wellington harbour, and the reflections from there sending beams of golden light across the water.

Into my view came a lone paddle boarder. I waited and took this picture. He turned at the navigation buoy to head back to Oriental Bay, by which stage I was already heading back that way myself.

The second day of meetings was mercifully shorter than expected, and I was able to get an earlier (by one hour) flight home, where I now am. After greeting and enjoying be with dear S, I can reflect on the message the Minister gave us when he came. Not as full of sweetness as his smile suggested.

Back to the day job tomorrow.

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