twinned with trumpton


In spite of the late night /e arly morning, we were up and out and the boys were home around 10; and I carried onwards into Leith to paint on a wall. (Ahead of the Rock 'n' Roll the Dock, the Marine Parade wall was being given a coat of magnolia /ivory / beige for painters to apply their stuff)

4 hours of graft, and chats with a finder of Cigs (Sehven25) and an artist called Shona before a tip off from Sehven25 alerted me to a Cigs in Porty (story elsewhere )

So off I went; nabbed another blip and home for a hot bath and a sleep before gathering myself and heading into town.

Nic's 50th! We convened in The Windsor; full of happy Hibees after their 2-0 cuffing of Hamilton, and once Nic, Baz and Bill (no Mel) had joined me 'n' Her, we headed across the Walk to the Walnut for some super tasty scran (scallops; confit duck leg and a rather disappointing apple / meringue combo; generally v good tho)

After chumming Her home, I too then cycled off into the night morning and sleep.

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