twinned with trumpton


WFH / overtime til 11; then packed up her laundry (do any Edinburgh blippers have a washing machine they wish to donate to - well, primarily her, but secondarily me to save my aching shoulders from lugging rucksack loads of her laundry to mine to run through the machine and ferry back to her?) and off to meet her at hers. 

We were to do a belated Valentine's Day lunch; we were both busy whichever day it was but Friday offered an option so off we went to Wester Hailes in the bikes to work up a thirst / appetite and then back to Blue rapa for their ever so affordable lunch (£8.95; BYOB) and super tasty it was too; tempura prawns / chicken satay to start; green curry and Pad Thai for mains; all very acceptable. 

And feeling rather full, we retired to hers for some peace. Not that there was much of that.... still; we loafed and chatted and half watched crap on TV before it suddenly being 8pm and time for me to make myself scarce; narrowly avoid a Mercedes Sprinter killing me (tried to pull a u turn on North Bridge - not a nice 3 seconds of blind panic; that woulda hurt if he hadn't heard my yell of terror) and home to slumber gently....

She gratiously consented to be the figure in my set up at Fountainpark

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