A working...

...from home day. A not a lot of photos day...

This is me imitating a YouTuber that the Fangle was watching...I was questioning him as to why she was wearing a woolly hat in a studio.

It’s fashion apparently. This, however, is not fashion...apparently :-(

The Rooster was away rowing all day...the Rowing Club have put on a training camp today and Thursday. For this we are eternally grateful...so is the Rooster, it’s preserving his life. He was just back in 10 minutes and he had wound half the house up! Thankfully, he took himself off for a wee refreshing nap and he was much better when appeared back after 5pm...and so was I as I had had peace to get my work done.

Grateful for a home working day and the interactions that brings with children off the school.

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