Six weeks...

...since our Canna left us. We received his ashes back a couple of weeks ago but we’ve been waiting for a good day to take a wee wander round Plean Country Park and scatter him there.

Today was that day.

Not often MrR and I get them all out walking together these days.

We had a nice wander. It was another bright and sunny day. We did lots of wandering with a young Weimaraner and a young Barmy Army round Plean and we reminisced today as we wandered.

Canna always liked a stick, generally one that was just short of 5ft long that would look absolutely ridiculous in his mouth and he would run up behind you with and crack the back of your knees as he passed.

He loved the water up there too...getting in the burns...falling in the pond one time, which wasn’t a pleasant journey home, he was stinking.

And when I was in the latter stages of my pregnancy with the Fangler MrR had a terrible sciatic attack. I’d be walking the two year old pup in the morning and evening round the streets round our house but at the weekend I’d head up to Plean just he and me and give him a good walk round the Country Park on the Saturday & Sunday. I didn’t put weight on with that pregnancy!

There is a meadow in the park and MrR and I have memories of four members of the Barmy Army and a Young Weimaraner running wild there. The kids would all be in different parts of the meadow and Canna would tear round them all and then back to us.

And it’s on that meadow that we scattered our old Weim...there’ll never be another like him. He and the Barmy Army grew up together and the craziness of a young family certainly imprinted on that auld daft dug.

Aonghas wanted to say a few words as wee scattered him:

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Canna you’ll always be with us

So grateful for our Canna THE Weimaraner. So grateful for the memories.

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