
By Runningbackwards


Jimi Hendrix actually played in Bristol on April 25, 1967 in the Colston Hall (currently being bashed about and renamed). Here he is immortalised (semi) on the outside of the Bridge Inn.

The dog and I headed out for a 7 mile walk around Bristol. There was no particular route and we just ambled about for the most part.

The additional shot is the juxtaposition of a building built in 1452 with one I think you could place in the sixties.

The other shot is for a pro-EU household in Cotham. The fact that I captured it may indicate which way I lean? Or does it? Or does anyone care? Well, we should definitely care!

The final shot is what is left of the Carriage works, a site on Stokes Croft which is at the very epicentre of the gentrification debate that has rumbled on for the 20 plus years I have lived in Bristol. There does seem to be a sense that the area will change, for better or for worse.

The street art around Stokes Croft can be brilliant but can often be the childish scrawling of a talentless vandal. I don't get tags. Who is this angry reactionary Colonel Blimp I'm turning in to?

Anyway, all exercised and back before lunch.

Research project to write up but shall I wait until half term?

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