My tribute.

I got my legs out today, then paddled across a muddy field in my silver heeled boots to a tiny church in the depths of rural Essex to say farewell to Derek and pay my respects to his family.
From the time I first met him, when I was 17 he had a thing about my legs! The last time I saw him, back in June, before he became ill, he introduced me to a friend of his as the lady with the legs!!
He was a larger than life character, generous, fun, an East End boy who done good. Driven to giving his family a better life than he'd had. He managed it in spades.

The church was full and overflowing, with a sound system for those standing outside in the cold. Every one of the 250+ people in attendance will miss him, along with many more who were not able to be there today.

The stories told in the tributes, by two of his friends, had us laughing in the aisles, I'm sure Derek was laughing too. A good man, a great life well spent.

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