
By NellieD

I need some cricket pads

A bit of an emergency blip today of Brian, the cat that's not our cat, a.k.a. the ba$*@rd! One minute he's lying on your chest wanting to be stroked and the next, he's after your ankles.

I spoke to a lovely woman today who contacted me through my crochet group to see if we could help with her project, #knitonefeedone. 

She is asking knitting/crochet groups to make beanie hats and the proceeds from the sale are used to fund meals for children in Manchester that continue to go to bed hungry. Given my history with supporting the food bank, it's a perfect project and I'm looking forward to meeting her next week.

Quote for today:
In ancient times cats were worshipped as Gods.
They have not forgotten this.
- Terry Pratchett

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