
Storm Eric has blown in today and so, after a bit of shopping this morning, we have stayed close to home.  It turns out that our TV is not as smart as we thought it was (or its owners!) so we have had to purchase something called a Fire Stick (where do they get these names from?) in order to move to downloading movies instead of adding to our collection of DVDs which, at some point, will go in to landfill.  Hopefully some bright spark will find a way of recycling them before we reach that point.  I also treated myself to a jigsaw for this afternoon's enforced stay in.

Before we battened down the hatches,  I boxed up the 3 Amigos and took them down to the Post Office to travel onwards to new adventures.  Here they are keeping an eye on my origami skills and checking I have DerwentLass's address correct.  They will be sorry to see their old kennel go but I don't want to risk any accidents en route to Cumbria.  It's been fun having you and great to see where you go and what you get up to next!

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