Ice, Ice, Baby
After work, I discovered that I was so wrong about my observations yesterday. I thought that only one buck still had his antlers as I saw several who had shed theirs already. Then today, I saw two bucks together ( I am fairly confident that you would recognize them both as I have photographed them often!)....and then saw a smaller one run by....then a group of them in the field! A bachelor party? In the freezing rain? Odd but so fascinating and it made me smile...even with the wind and freezing rain.
This male Northern Cardinal had to be blipped as he looks like he is standing on tippy toes on the ice. Poor things kept trying to land and slipping off. He held his 'ground' best...or at least the longest to get a shot of him. I then put seed on the ground and instantly I had a mix of birds feasting - no one was being a bully ; )
Now there is freezing fog outside. Time to go to bed and dream.
Friday tomorrow....
Have a good one :)
D x
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