Freezing Rain
When I left this morning for work, the freezing rain was just starting. They now spray the streets with a saline solution to "pre-treat" the surfaces. I think it works well, as after a day of freezing rain, it was more slushy on the main roads.
Our cars were covered with 1/2 inch of ice but after a fun 30 minutes of a group of us going from car to car, we managed to get all of our cars de-iced so we could drive home.....or to the woods. I was surprised that the trees were not more covered with ice. It was so cool to walk around and not to see my foot bootprints in the snowy ice. Lots of deer everywhere but no sign of the owls. I suppose they were deep in the woods taking shelter as it would be difficult for them to hunt.
You can see how wet it was and how there was ice on the coat of the buck (and the rest of the deer). I had to chip through ice on my car once again but it was worth it to get some fresh air and a good walk.
Thank you for all your support...means a lot!
D x
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