A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella

Keep on running

#GNR countdown: 30 weeks

Yesterday's ballot result had me super motivated this morning. I'd arranged to run with a friend after school drop off so we did a loop across the park, along the river and back through the wood. Usually I'm struggling to keep up with her by the time were running up hill towards the post box at the end of her road. She's very busy with work at the moment however, and the regular runs/cycles and gym classes I've done finally seem to be paying off so after she headed home to work I decided to do an extra loop. Or 3.. adding 8k on to our 5k run. My longest ever run, for now.

Maybe I can finally call myself a runner...

A short swim, sauna and yoga filled my afternoon. If someone had put a blanket on me as I lay on my mat at the end of the class I could happily have slept for an hour. Actually it was probably good I'd got a bit cold by then or I'd have very likely drifted off!

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