Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Day 6 Tender coconut

This collage shows the development of a coconut and was taken from above the top of the palm. All stages from flower to small budding coconut to fully grown nut are present on the tree at the same time. I didn't climb the palm I hasten to add, it was growing in front of the hotel terrace and I siezed the opportunity.
These are known here as tender coconuts and eaten straight from the tree while the flesh is still very soft inside. You can buy them everywhere for just a few rupees, the seller will knock the top off with a vicious looking machete, make a hole in the top and pass it to you complete with a straw to drink the juice. When you've finished the juice, he'll take it back, crack it open with the machete and using a small piece of the inner shell, you can scoop out the soft flesh to eat. All very self contained apart from the straw, very good for the stomach and very refreshing. It tastes nothing like the fully ripened hard shelled coconut which we get at home.
Today I traveled by car the 140km across to Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu, the neighbouring state to Kerala but on the east coast of India rather than the west. The journey always has lots to see and today was no different but the most notable feature, apart from the stunning Western Ghats , was the amount of roadworks. Marthandum, which has always been a terrific bottle neck has had an immense flyover built high above the existing road and houses to carry the through traffic more quickly. I have seen it under construction over the last couple of years and it is now open for use. I don't think it can do much for the town though with all those traffic fumes being belched out at roof level. Some of the houses are only feet away from the bridge and its supports so the noise must be awful too not to mention the loss of light.
Lots of birds on route, herons, storks, cranes, rollers, drongos, black and white ibis. I've been glad to be reacquainted with my book of Indian birds by a Salim Ali, the Indian expert,which Carrie had been looking after for me.
I'm staying with friends so we've had a good catch up and I also met up with Raja briefly this evening. Good to hear all the news.
Failed on the step count today though, only 4000. Could do better.

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