monday monday

monday is farm fresh day, a manic morning of packing and delivering veggies. our customers are happy, so we are very happy.

i'm also happy because i have only 3 full days left in zambia and i know that there is a package waiting for me at home with a new camera ready and waiting to go. at least half of the cost has been covered by recent shoots that i have done, which is probably one of the most satisfying feelings ever!

i love my old camera but i feel like i'm ready for an upgrade. i'm actually surprised it's still working, as i brought it nearly 5 years ago and it's been shoved in my backpack and taken around the world. it's dirtier than a camera should probably be, but that just means it has had a lot more fun!

my old 400d has been my travelling companion and has recorded bright coloured houses in barbados, the awesome brooklyn bridge in new york, a spice seller in morocco, the epic nightime train journey through tanzania, beautiful beaches of zanzibar, dirty feet from trekking in mozambique, beautiful faces in malawi, amazing elephants in botswana and of course, 3 years of wonderful, vibrant life in zambia!

not sure i'll do as much travelling in the next 5 years but hopefully another 5 years of enjoying life with my camera around my neck!

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