Crew Change
I was going to post the photograph in the extra, but I thought I would have a look to see the challenge for Tuesdays. As it happens I had visited the Maritime Museum today for a coffee, and had a wander round while I was there. I had a photograph of part of the model of the Murchison Platform. The picture shows some of the crew leaving on a helicopter.
While the model is large it is tiny by comparison with the original and the helipad is maybe 50 cm across, so the people are certainly tiny. I thought I would "enhance" the image by placing a seascape (the Aberdeen wind farm) behind the platform.
Decommissioning of the Murchison Platform was complete in 2017, and so it lives on only in the model in the Maritime Museum.
The vessel in the extra is the NAO Power, built in 2013 and based in Aberdeen. Not one of the prettiest supply boats in my opinion, but I suppose this bow configuration must be efficient even if unattractive (to me). The picture was taken with the sun behind the ship. I played around with the photo to give the sky a slightly sunset type look, though actually the picture was taken near midday. Unfortunately the sun is still quite low in the sky.
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