Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

I made it to the city

 Today was a perfect weather day!   55F and sunny so we made it to the riverwalk to walk another area that we had not walked before.   

Then we (I !) decided that since we were just across the river from Columbia that we were going to go to the museum of art.  There was an exhibit of the huge mural that Jackson Pollack has painted for some lady years ago that was supposed to be a good representation of abstract art.    I just could not be impressed.  I have seen the same thing by kindergarten kids that actually look better.      There was also an exhibit by Jasper Johns, some of the art he created and some of his collection that he donated.   Again, I was not impressed.   One whole wall was nothing but framed squares of different colors.   Trying to understand what this is about is very difficult for me even reading the info.    And the hubby,  just laugh and laugh...this was his first ever visit to an art museum and I think he was trying hard not to say something totally southern male woodsman...but out of his mouth "People pay money for this?!"    I think we spent a total of 15 minutes in the galleries.  Too funny!       

Then we walked on the main street for a couple of blocks.   I was really looking for something that would click with me for street photography.  A few things worked but I was very self conscious with the camera.   There were some places we could have sat but I knew I would never get the man to do this.   When we walked around our state capital building, I just happened to see this guy taking a cigarette break!!     YES!!!    I took a back view as we approach but then we turned into an outdoor sculpture exhibit with a wall that let me get this photo that I posted.   The back view is in the extras along with a couple of the street photos I took.   The 28-90mm lens worked really well for this!   

A very diverse day..forest in the morning and city streets in the afternoon.   Five miles on the walking app too!  


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