Sigyn (Day 1367)

The morning woofer wander was uneventful. It seemed that the thaw was still underway, but the woofers found plenty of snow to scamper around in.
Back at home I got myself organised and headed to Stromness to do a couple of small jobs. The sky was fabulous - big fluffy clouds on a bright blue background with lots of strong sunshine. I cursed myself for having left the camera at home. 
I zoomed back home and got stuck into cleaning out the boiler, giving it a really deep clean which took a fair bit longer than I had anticipated. The woofers were impatient to get out for their afternoon wander, and weren't happy that I stopped for lunch first. As it turned out, the delay was worth it, as the weather closed in as I was getting ready to go out, and thick heavy snow started to fall as I got my waterproof gear on. The drive to Refuge Corner was difficult, and I parked up in a blizzard. The dogs thought the weather was perfect for a walk and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Sigyn stood still long enough for me to get a couple of quick snaps of her. She looks great in the snow.
By the time we got home, the snow was beginning to turn to rain, and when I drove to town for another little job later, the road was completely clear.
This evening will mostly be spent watching the rugby, cheering on  my beautiful wife's team. 

Thank you all for the stars, hearts and comments on yesterday's blip.

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