
Whats in a name, for many of us it's goes back a long way. Roman times where you given your name or English where you were created a Surname, if you were Johns Son your name become Johnson or if you were a Miller your Surname come from your job. Boogle was originally Dougal, we got him from the vet, he was left by a wee boy who could not look after him anymore and his life expectancy was going to be quite short, until Marie and I took him home. I was made in Holland and born in New Zealand, both my Parents were Dutch.  Oostendorp broken up Oost = East and Dorp =Village so my ancestors come from a Village in the east. I was born one month after my parents arrived in New Zealand with my two older Sisters and older Brother. When  my Parents were Married they lived in a Boarding House in Amsterdam, run by an Italian Woman, the story is quite vague but from that I was christened  Antonie Mario. Thank you for honouring me with Hearts and stars and Cheese for my 2500 Blip. To the Blippers we have met in person this is one of the greatest things that can happen and exciting, the rest of you are Friends we have not met yet

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