Some friends are doing the Marsden March (for cancer research) so an 8 mile walk was planned. I decided to join them. I’m not doing the walk for various reason....not sure I’m up to it/don’t need the pressure of it/ don’t really have the time for it.
We got a train to Brixton....walked to...
#Brockwell Park...beautiful views across London...onto Ruskin Park and Kings College Hospital and onto Dulwich where we discovered a lovely bakery at the 5 mile mark.
#we walked through Dulwich Park and....
#Sydenham Nature Reserve....through Wells Park and Crystal Palace Park. At the 10 mile mark I’d had enough and bottled out of last a mile and got a bus home.
After ice packing my knee and a warm bath I decided I had no option to join the team as I’m sure cancer patients aren’t up to cancer/don’t need the pressure of cancer/ don’t really have the time for cancer.
If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. Barack Obama

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