The day this happened

Title provided by 15-yr-old son.

He is actually a real proper genius.

Photo insisted upon by 7-yr-old daughter

She is actually really properly bossy.

So what did happen?

Richard went to work.
I finished reading the first of 2 books of short stories I've promised to write reviews for ( And the Angels Cried and other stories)
I then wound up the big key on my back and had to spend a couple of hours flapping before I got to the right speed.
Washing was done.
Lunch was made and eaten.
A walk to and along the beach happened.
A visit from Granny Liz happened and presents were swapped. (I'm not going to see her now until January :o( )
24 mini Christmas cakes were made.
Sherry was drunk (naughty sherry)
Gemma came and went (she's good at that)

Tess insisted on listening to this several times and now pretty much knows it off by heart: Bugger The Bankers - The Official Video.
So proud.

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