
The events in the UK's Parliament on Tuesday have led to more TV & radio coverage in 36 hours than in the last 36 months.

The questions are rolling in - England OK but Wales? Scotland? and where on Earth is Northern Ireland and what is Britain? While we're there, what is Great Britain and is it anyway connected to the United Kingdom? Probably not as there is no King of England or at least hasn't been one in living memory for 95% of Germans.

German media is now determined to get in on the action. Decades of sitting around playing Anglo American Hits of the 60/70/80/90s on radio and every Saturday night bringing us 3.5-hour trash TV shows connected with children, animals. really corny Alpine folk singers, or 1960s TV shows such as "Candid Camera" or Bruce Forsyth mixed with Noel Edmonds stunts on conveyor belts ........

There are about four weekly political discussion programmes on German TV, none with public involvement but simply a panel. At least three of the four are headed up by women and named after them - Anne Will, Sandra Maischberger and Maybrit Illner.  Will can't get her show on the road until Sunday 20th, Maischberger totally missed out and didn't get the chance to organise anything for her show yesterday but Maybrit won the race by getting Gisela Stuart to appear on her show tonight.

When I heard of the show line up last night, I got on my high horse. How dare one allow a criminal British ex-politician appear on German TV to express any opinion on anything. Stuart led an organisation (Remember she was the official Chairperson!) that based its entire argumentation lies, exagerations, fear and had it paid for by illegal methods for which her organisation was fined by the electoral commission and the party has been referred to the police for criminal investigation which Mrs May has no doubt told the police to shove under the mat along with the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica investigation and the Russian involvement and ... goodness knows what else that is being hidden away.

I was so annoyed that I got my Twitter account reactivated and sent Mrs Illner my thoughts on her choice of guest and in the course of the twittering got connected with someone called Russells Teakanne (Teapot) who I didn't get the chance to fully uncover but think must be a German with a very good British Connection and possibly be connected with a British Foods shop, possibly in Munich. They could also be a Brit who has been in Germany for years. Anyway, the exchanges were good fun and we were both on the same wavelength. I deactivated my Twitter again shortly afterwards as I just get so worked up. Maybe one day I will find out who Teapot is.

One of the aspects I wrote about but couldn't flesh out with Twitters limited space was how genuine Mrs Stuart is. This followed the Teapots comment that Stuart who had profited herself from all the benefits of the EU, now wanted to stop all future generations having the same opportunities.

Stuart was born in 1955 in Bavaria - that makes her "conservative".
Her parents were Roman Catholics -that makes her "Conservative"
The village is in the area known as "Niederbayern"- that makes her "Ultra Right Conservative"

Never, not even with years of daily exorcism and yoga sessions, can Stuart even claim to ever be less than one vote away from joining some Nationalistic Neo-Nazi Party. Luckily she left Bavaria in 1974 to study in the UK and stayed there, otherwise, she would have joined one of the failed German/Bavarian ultra-right-wing parties eg Bayern Partei. 

To claim she is a genuine member of the Labour Party was always unbelievable - there isn't a millimetre of Social Democracy in her blood. She knew though that not even the Conservative Party would touch her with a bargepole and allow her to be a candidate.

And yet the wonderful intelligent British Brexiteer mob believed every word of her poison. And now she is being given a platform to do it on the mainland.

She was actually very quiet in the show, she had no case and the more than British head of Germany's Afd Right Wing party, with his tweed jacket and Labrador dog tie that he never ever changes, sat back and enjoyed the others arguments. The German Foreign Minister, a true Social Democrat, mad a few comments that almost caused dear Gisela heart seizure including blowing the entire UK "Immigration Lie" out into outer space. As he said, everything in our modern world is "borderless" - trade, business, digitalisation, global warming. environment and while immigration is all about borders, borders will not solve the problem. The senior Austrian politician in the panel seemed to have a permanant smile/disbelief on his face. The financial experts forecast doom and gloom for all and Gisela as one would expect said "but not for UK, this is our chance to become global........." - you know the rest!

It was in a sense quite funny but of course simply underlined the total chaos in the UK. The sun rises here in mainland Europe and sinks off the British Isles.

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