Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Grass is greener...etc

I set out from home shortly after porridge this morning intending to be back well before lunch as I needed to make my soup from scratch.
It was a very dark, dismal morning with lots of rain but in the far distance I could see the snow capped hills across the Forth in Fife were bathed in glorious sunlight.
I was wishing I was over there too for I kept getting a good soaking every time I emerged from the car.

One thing led to another and before I knew it I was racing into Tesco at 3pm. It was only when I was at the check-out and the lady behind me had amongst her purchases a packet of cheese and onion crisps lying right before my eyes, that I realised how hungry I was. I had to really restrain myself not to pick them up, tear them open and start eating them.

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