Fit For Nothing

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I have been receiving COMPLAINTS. Yes! Just a mere two days away from blip and you people start complaining at me!


The simple truth is that I've been effed all week and not in the good way. I'm not sure what it is. Perhaps a week of chasing a doggie about or walking in sand dunes or just being an old bastard. I'm not sure.

Let us say it is a "mild virus". That sounds semi-acceptable.

My  point is that I've been on the verge of nodding off all week and when I do move around it is to feel achy and sore. So I was so NOT in the mood for going back to work today.

However, the effort was lessened a little by the fact that we were due to move offices today. We are now in a spanky new office, which I must admit is very nice. 

Also, it is "hot-desking". Hot-desking sucks and is rubbish and everyone in the world hates it, but actually at least they haven't implemented it as crappily here as they did at Tesco, so I was relieved.

But the point is this; office moving day is like an unofficial day off. Everyone knows this and farts about so I followed suit and did eff all pretty much all day.

And then I trudged my old bones home and wasn't really up for a late-night chat with the Princess. But then when she got on the phone I was rejuvenated and stayed up talking until after midnight.

Princesses do that to a person. Anyway, here is a picture of Jasper, looking pretty much how I felt all day.


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