Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Rescue remedy?

Most of us have a less spectacular but no less real need of a lift sometime. Here’s to everyone who wants picking up - physically or emotionally.

I have no idea why they landed on the cricket pitch a hundred metres from where we live. All seemed quiet. Strider and I were on our way back from Sainsbury’s where I had been bulk buying vegan butter when we saw it. A small crowd had gathered. By local standards it was dramatic; wish I had seen it coming into land.

Before that we went to the dump with our seven foot Christmas tree which filled the car and poked out the back so much that we couldn’t shut the rear door. We were basically a seasonal conifer on wheels. Nonetheless the young lad on the barrier asked what we were bringing for recycling.

I looked behind me, getting poked in the ear by a branch as I did so. "Would you believe a Christmas tree?" I asked.

"You’ll need garden waste" he said. "Skip on the far right hand side" and raised the barrier without a smile.

The Dizzle did a wonderful job of assembling the new glass cabinet for the front room. It is awesomely large. I got the job of putting the doors on, which took ages; IKEA cupboard hinges are the invention of the devil and snap back at you like mean little turtles, slippery and elusive.

We’ve earned a chilled evening. I am going early to London on an errand tomorrow, but plan a relaxed afternoon... fingers crossed.

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