Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

London flat hunting

Today has been rather a busy one. I had just finished my morning run when they arrived to collect my car for its annual service. The driver had no sooner left with my car when the boiler engineer arrived to service the boiler. Murdoch was in the meantime waiting patiently to go for his walk, but he had to wait until the boiler engineer had finished. While he was waiting I caught up on the ironing and did some more work on my arts society events for next term. 

By now it was nearly lunchtime, and Gavin had phoned earlier to say he had managed to arrange some more flat viewings for Luke, so I went with Luke up to London. It’s so confusing, every flat we have seen seems perfect and yet imperfect, pros and cons with each of them.  Anyway Luke has now seen quite a few and leaves to go back to university tomorrow and won’t be back until the end of March, so it’s good he has been able to see some flats to get an idea and he has now lots to think about. We have walked and walked today, I felt quite tired by the time we got home again.It was also very cold today, one of those icy grey days where if you forget your hat and scarf you will be miserable. I love these red brick buildings, and could not resist a photo of one as we walked past. In the extras, counting numbers as we walked along.

We only had a short time back at home as we are now about to go out to see The Favourite - I think Olivia Coleman is fantastic in whatever she does so I am sure we will enjoy it. 

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