
By tookie

Bald in Flight

Soaring high above
Rides the currents gracefully
Always amazing

On our return trip today from where we were on the Penninsula we stopped At Fort Worden near Port Townsend.  here Today was the one clear morning without rain when we left , so seeing some birds was a goal.  We were happy to see this Bald Eagle as there weren't many others out today.  This one was swooning all around so I panned it for awhile to get a few shots.  A very nice wee trip and escape ....also helped take my mind off the skin eczema, which, has flared up royally as I'm withdrawing from all the steroid creams:)   It'll be a journey!!!
   Thank you all for the very kind and nice Anniversary comments, stars and hears.  Big R and I had a relaxing time and Cowboy was awareded VIP status at the hotel.;)  Extra is another of the same Bald Eagle

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