Vision Fixed

'V' is for Vision!! ;-)

Our sweetie pie Gesiggie had her eye operation today! Awwwwhhh dear, she was soooo confused and miserable when this picture was taken! Shar-Peis have the problem with all the wrinkles and folds in the face, the eyelashes fold in and scratches the eyes all the time, her eyes were never clean, the tears were forever pouring out of them! It must be so irritating and sore, poor darling! They will eventually turn blind if you donth do the operation. I truly hope she will feel better by tomorrow, since C will have her hands full with taking me for my #4 chemo to Pretoria and coming home quite late, with a 'sick' old mom, etc!! But R jr will look after her, although he and his dad must go to the University in the morning as well, to enroll for his second year, but they will be home much earlier than C and I.

I am quite scared to go tomorrow, I am not so ignorant anymore, hey? I know what's coming! Oooohhhh, I don't think I am halfway as brave as it seems!! Please pray for me!!

Off to bed now, it is almost 23:00 and I must be up by 04:30 at the latest, to be on time in Pretoria for my treatment (why do they give it such a nice name? TREAT-ment? - no treat there, I can assure you!!)

Good night and sleep tight!!



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