I've got no room...

...my work desk is getting smaller...

These prints are all for a designated purpose. And I still have to do prints on the back of each one.

I was making foam stamps this afternoon to use on these.

Quite easy to do. Got thick cardboard. Cut shapes out of foam. Double sided tape on cardboard. Put foam shapes on to the sticky backed cardboard. Sprinkle talcum powder on the (excess) sticky tape in between the foam. Then Bob's Your Uncle, and you have foam stamps you can use on the gel plate....or on the print from the gel plate.

I need to develop that idea further, but I always have far more ideas than I can possibly do in a lifetime. I don't understand people who say their mind is blank, they have no ideas.

I have to reign in my ideas because I get frustrated there is not enough time...

Anyway, today I just did creative stuff all day. I gave myself permission to do what I wanted today.

I hope this thing works out that looks a mess in my photo today. Oh, and I found a set of 4 stencils in the children's department for a couple of pounds. They are A4 sized. I nearly didn't get them, I put them down and walked (rode away actually) away, but then I thought £2...get them. I am glad I did. There are loads of things on each stencil and they are quite effective, and not childish at all.

Popeye says 'Miaow'.
And thanks for all the love you showed him yesterday and the card with that beautiful portrait of him on it!

Take care x

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