It's shaking the sky

So the Snowdrops have already surfaced.  I'm slightly concerned by that..  It was February before they came up last year - and that idiot in the White House says that Global Warming doesn''t exist. 

We made good my promise to take 10 minutes (minimum) of exercise this year, and headed to firstly the allotment and then the woods. 

We wandered every avenue in the Allotments - checked out the lack of growth in most places and the progress of the onions and the leeks in others. 

Then we headed for the bridle path through the woods.   - Spotted some birdies - Bullfinch and Mistle Thrush, Wag tails and chaffinches and bluetits.  Also - Squirrels.  

We wandered and wandered.  

Now I am exhausted.  But maintaining the stop eating and stop drinking campaign quite nicely thank you.  Afternoon drinking was the right thing to do yesterday.   Sobered up nicely for bed, at 1030, and was only woken briefly by the outbreak of fireworks at midnight, afterwich I rolled over again and snored til 1030.  How lovely. 

Now however, am exhausted,  have to lay down for a while a sleep some more. 

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