The joy of having a big brother

Toys are great at Christmas. But they're even better when you have a big brother who can rescue the arrow from your new bow and arrow set when it gets stuck in the tree. Especially when it's in almost the opposite direction from your target!

Well done J for being so helpful - especially when you had your own gifts that I'm sure you'd rather have been using/setting up/playing with.

I spent Christmas with a lot of extended family at my nephew's house. My thanks to C and A for hosting us all.

Extra 1 is the look on my neice's American partner's face when he received the very 'kiwi' gift of a bottle of Purple Death. If you've not drunk this fine NZ tipple you should really check out. Sorry cant work out how to put in a link on my phone app so you'll have to Google it for elucidation.

Extra 2 shows a family tradition. Every year my sister, as well as other gifts, gives her children and grandchildren underwear. One must traditionally put them on ones head once unwrapped - the back story of the tradition is too long to tell here but still causes much hilarity each Christmas. Here my great nephew holds true to tradition .

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