Snow Bear time

We met #3 daughter and Ella and Nathaniel at Gosforth theatre for a little story-telling, music and singing, with added shouting out. Our friend Ken played many instruments in the show. Here he is blowing hard. At one point the children were asked what their favourite food was. Amid a lull in the shouts of sausages, chips, tomato sauce. Pizza etc Nathaniel called out Sushi. “What? Say that again”, said the story-teller. SUSHI called our boy who was almost drowned out by Ella shouting SPROUTS.

After the show we walked to a Lebanese cafe where we shouldn’t have ordered a mixed starter as well as the main. Feeling I’ll be waddling to Carol’s cocktail party tonight, if I can find anything that fits to wear. And my cool silver trainers have had a sole collapse so will have to be binned, as it is hard enough not to walk lop-sided as it is.

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