
Holiday Cactus blossom. Rained here all morning. Not torrential or anything but a nice steady rain. Good excuse to do my 'Art'. Wait, do I need an 'excuse to do my Art'? Heck no I don't! I've been working all of my adult life to actually Believe That! Maybe 2019 will be the year that I allow myself to 'Create' without that nagging internal guilt. I was raised to believe that one needed to be 'busy' at all times to be 'worthwhile'. That Myth was propagated by the religion I grew up in and lived especially by the Women in my family. If you weren't working at your job, 'keeping house', or volunteering...your life was somehow 'suspect'. Or at least that's how I understood it. Joining Blipfoto five+ years ago has helped a lot! I spend time each day doing something I really love. I'm Encouraged now to Create! One of the most Soul-Satisfying things in my life of late is to capture the World around me and share those images with others here and on other social media. No judgements! No judgement on my Creativity and no judgement (on my part) on the Creativity of others. (Oh, I'll still be as judgmental as always about the Current State of Affairs, 'cause that's just how I roll!) I'm looking forward to this New Year! I hope that you are too! :)

I've used all of my 100 'extra photos' on three other images from this morning. As I type this the rain has ceased and the sun is shining like a zillion candles! TARA is staring at me, DogPark pleading in her soft brown eyes...

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