By the time I'd actually got out of bed*, breakfasted, faffed around, looked out the window, checked the weather forecast several times, etc, etc it was after 11 by the time I got out there for some miles on the bike.
The sun was harsh and low and it was kind of hard to see on the run out of town. Plus there was this headwind that I knew would just follow me around for the next 40 miles. Don't get me wrong, it *was* great to be out there but....I made pretty heavy work of it. Forty more miles in the legs tho', I'll take that. Do it better next time.
Not much more planned for the rest of the day. Following the football, some drinks and an amount of curry. That should do it.
* Up late last night watching a rather good movie on Netflix - Private Life. No. 5 in The Guardian's list of films of the year no less. Thought I'd give it a shot and I was well rewarded. Tip !
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