
By Mal49

Blue Tongue Lizard, of sorts!

In keeping with the lizard theme this monster is the centre piece of the towns Highbrook Park. The park is very well equipped with all sorts of children’s play activities. The lizard slide is the highest slide in the regional parts of our state. The children have a great time sliding down the enclosed tongue, except for days like today. The tongue is made of stainless steel which is great for sliding but is also a good thermal conductor, when I took the photo the air temp was 38 deg C. The inside of the tube would be like an oven.
Extra photo. Heading home, first stop Albany and along the way I spotted what used to be called a Black Boy. The common name has become offensive in modern Australian language, and insulting to the Australian Aboriginals who are the original inhabitants of our country. It’s botanical name is Xanthorrhoea, a mouthful in any botanical language. They are now commonly known as a Grass Tree. As the picture shows the tree has been through many bush fires, a tree this tall could be up to 100 years old. The white parts of the leaves and the roots are edible. The sap of the leaves when hot is quite fluid with excellent adhesive properties when cooled.
Hope your day was as enjoyable as mine, but maybe not quite as warm.

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