
By rb231

Earl Grey Teacakes

I was supposed to be attending a focus group this afternoon but it was cancelled so I came home with Fiona after lunch as I'd cancelled my usual lift home. When we got home and opened the door the smell of home baking greeted us - followed by Sarah greeting us.

Sarah's been quietly getting very good at baking over the past couple of years. Now that she's off Uni she plans to work on her baking a bit more and try a few things with a view to providing the pudding course for Christmas dinner. These are Earl Grey and lemon icing cupcakes. Of course tea is going to work in sponge. They were delicious.

Fiona was preparing to go down to Effie's when she received the call to say that Effie had just let go and passed away. After tea we opened the door to take the boys down to Cubs and band rehearsal and the most amazing big soft snowflakes were slowly drifting down through the dark evening sky. Rest in peace Effie.

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