A Touch Of Frost, Aylesford

The last day to get the last few items for Christmas. So this entailed a short trip up to the supermarket to buy various bits and bobs. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - busy without being rammed. Today's image is deceiving - to the left is the new housing estate at Preston Hall and to the right is the busy A20, but I was trying to capture the beauty of this rather lovely winter's day.
It was then time for a quick visit to our favourite pub for a drink and then back to do the final wrapping up of presents and a glass or two of wine.
I love my brother's phrase for this - "a slow burble" - which means a gentle topping up of alcohol as the day goes along! You get a rather nice glow without feeling as if you have over-imbibed!
This evening we went, as we usually do, down to the local restaurant (The Hengist) for a lovely evening meal (often because we've got a lot of cooking to do Christmas Day itself). On the way back I took today's extra " A Stella(r) Celebration" - no idea why anybody would leave these things where they were but I did find it funny and strange!

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