Choose Joy

By Energia


Thank you for the favorites and stars for yesterday's low key portrait. It sincerely warms my heart. 

I'm also relieved that I can still learn. I think learning is getting easier, i.e. I think I'm continuing to recover. If you or someone you care about is ever injured in the same way and is told that where you're at year 1.5-2 is where you'll stay - rest assured it is not true. I'm not just going off of my experience here, I know people who have told me of other people who continued to heal past the 2-year mark. 

I do hate when I see that I committed a grammatical error though...

I'm delighted that the light streaming in through the window was sufficient because, while I said it was easy - and it was - I didn't get the flash to work off camera! Oh well. Again, lucky me that I didn't need it. 

This funny picture is using a special effect of the Fuji called "toy." With the giant balls on the tree next to the sports car it felt completely appropriate.

I'm grateful I can learn. I am grateful I can walk and talk and think and turn my head and do my job and that I have a job to do. I am grateful for photography. I am also grateful for blip for introducing me to some neat, interesting people. Thank you for being neat, interesting people and my best wishes to you. 

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