Nearly missed it.
I was so busy watching a different one I'd decapitated to try for another spike that I neglected this one. I usually spot them much earlier.
I'm not sure whether I'm a glassoholic or a glasstomaniac, but, over a period of almost 50 yrs I/we have accumulated a number of ill-gotten receptacles. I keep intending to herd them together for a group-photo.
Never mind. - One of these days.
Apart from the expected considerations, one of the things I most miss is Alice's memory; I wish she'd left me it, I might then remember whence cometh this one? NOT a clue if it's her, from Maryport or me from Aspatria?
If it's a Pub glass it'll be short measure; the bottle is 500ml and a pint is 568ml so, to get a decent head on, it you'd NOT get a full pint. Though you would get a full glass.
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Moving on in time.

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