
By mindful_life

Ladies lunch

“I will know peace when.... I acknowledge that I have buttons that can be pushed... Just for today, thank everyone and anyone who can push your buttons. Realize that they are providing you with a wonderful and divine opportunity for healing. Today I am devoted to healing the sore,tender and wounded places in my heart and mind!" by Iyanla Vanzant

I think everyone can acknowledge that we have people in our lives that are able to do this. My children can certainly push my buttons! It is very easy to rise to it and get all cross and mad. Morning mindfulness practice continues to help me stay calm and centred. I’m also very pleased to be looking at some time off so the usual morning rush doesn’t add to the normal daily squabbles!

Today I had a lovely lunch out to celebrate Christmas and because of the 2 people about to go on maternity leave!! I had this delicious plate of mussels in tomato sauce!! It was an extended lunch followed so home time came quickly!

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