
By Dollykgray

Baking Boomerangs

I spent the day making chocolates and baking cookies. I have left my Christmas run a bit late but i decided to have friends over on Sunday for Glühwein and nibbles so a binge bake-off was called for. It was crappy weather, anyway - it started to rain so our lovely snow is melting and it looks like a white Christmas is not going to happen. I made a second batch of Vanillekipferl as the first batch was so good but i mucked them up. I HATE RECIPES THAT GIVE AN INGREDIENT AMOUNT at the beginning only to find you only add a third of the amount in the method. I measured everything out according to the list of ingredients prior to starting and only realised my mistake when the dough was too crumbly. I had 3 times the amount of icing sugar. I rubbed in some more butter but the melt in the mouth texture wasn’t achieved. I got bored making crescents so I decided to give these cookies an Australian twist and made half into boomerang shapes. Tomorrow i am making Rocky Road and party pies.

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