A home among the gum trees

Give me a home among the gum trees,
With lots of plum trees, a sheep or two, a ka-kangaroo.
A clothes line out the back, verandah out the front,
And an old rocking chair.

An Aussie song!

Arrived into Melbourne at 5am, then flew to Adelaide at 8am, arriving at 9am. Journey done. Survived! Ever conscious that while it’s tedious it’s also a privilege.

Met by my parents who look a bit older but they’re managing. Dad’s still driving at 80 which is good. We had a walk on the beachfront then off to Burnside Village shopping centre for a walk and a coffee.

My nephew picked me up later and then my sister, her hubby and the other two kids came home. We went out for a bit then I somehow stayed awake until about 9, nodding off every now and then. Glad to be back home.

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