With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Wishy washy

There were no shepherds with their sox here in the port.

Exam season has struck, which always means odd days, flitting between computers and invigilating and today some help for a student with his personal statement. He'd taken an interesting angle. Maybe slightly gone wrong on the personal aspect. Very sweet though and i siggested it could be the start of his autobiography.

Meanwhile I cashed my paycheck at the local bank and thought I was going to have to bunk a ceratin nightclub owner PS a few bob as he was having a problem with the cashpoint. I left him to his rant.

We salvaged the evening after sport with some lamb chops and another marathon attempt to light the fire. Tomorrow's logs are warming infront of today's fire and it seems the house will be full of dust, dust and ashes for the months until Easter. Much to be done... including a few socks.

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